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The project will implement two main project results:

PR1 Toolkit for teachers and students

  1. A1 - a preliminary common background definition on Healthy nutrition and traditional food;

  2. A2 - a common definition of the methodology and the regional action plan (stem course and curriculum for teaching students about Healthy nutrition awarenesss)

  3. A3 - a regional assessment on regional awareness and existing actions in all partner's regions educational institutions –

  4. A4 - Transnational online workshops to train and directly improve the skills and competences of teachers about Healthy nutrition awarenesss and educational methodology

  5. A5 - Preparation of an online platform will be implemented for teachers experts and students. this platform will host training materials and tutorials that will be part of the toolkit (PR1)

  6. A6 - Each project partner will implement a piloting in regional schools.

PR2 Guidelines for Healthy nutrition awarenesss and food food as cultural heritage

  1. A7 Feedbacks and data from piloting will be collected, elaborated to validate the toolkit and create the guidelines (PR2). Project results ( PR2) will be then disseminated on: project partners website, eTwinning - advertised in social networks and websites.

Citrus Fruits
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