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Project Status Update Meeting

On 4th August 2022, the STEALTH project partners met online to discuss the current status of the project and further tasks that need to be completed.

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It was agreed that Indicia and Previform should deliver their 2-page analyses on the current status of children’s obesity, traditional food and quality of nutrition in their respective countries by the end of August, in English, to Veronika Pulisova (Project Manager) which will inform the drafting of a common policy paper to be published on the project website and extracts shared on social media. 

ECECE and the Felix School will prepare Google forms for project assessment purposes.  The first draft will be prepared by Alessandro Zeppelli from ECECE and sent to Niki from E3 STEM in August.  E3 STEM partners will then digitalise the survey and translate it into the respective languages (Greek, Austrian, Portuguese, Slovak), the digitised version of the survey will be distributed to all partners by the end of November.  In the meantime, every country is expected to create mailing lists of teachers and pupils’ parents who will participate in the survey before launching the piloting of the curriculum - mailing lists completed by the end of 2022 (at least two classrooms, i.e. 50 pupils, involved).

Partners from E3 STEM are preparing an online “Educational EscapeGame” to be incorporated to the educational toolkit 

Every partner should disseminate information regarding the project regularly at least once a month - Indicia website, STEALTH project facebook page, social media of other participating organizations, and insert print screens to the common file in Alessandro’s  shared folder dedicated to dissemination - everyone should add their posts by the end of August and regularly afterwards

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