Scope of Work
Bratislava the Capital of the Slovak Republic is the largest city in Slovakia and is industrial, administrative, cultural and university center. Bratislava conducts services and affairs of local significance which directly address the needs of citizens, especially those relating to physical and urban planning, utilities, child care, social welfare, primary health care, education and schooling, culture, physical and technical culture and sports, as well as improving the natural environment, fire and civil protection.
It has many years of extensive experience in implementing of public policies and it has an important role in networking and promotion of good practices. It has the competences and skills to manage relevant and wide networks, complex programmes, etc. Thanks to its participation in innovative and strategic projects, it has project management experience too.
Other activities: creation of partnerships and networking; supporting innovations; social innovation policies and practices.
Relevant Skills and Experience
Previous experiences are: 2016-2019 Interreg CERIECON; 2004-2006: 12 projects including
Common Information to European Air (CITEAIR) (Interreg IIIC);
Twin City Welcome Centers (Interreg IIIA). 2007-2013:
RECOM SK-AT (Interreg IVA) - improving the acceptance of cross- border activities by raising awareness of cooperation in border regions.
Central Markets (CENTRAL EUROPE) - strategies and measures for the re-discovery of markets as an engine for the development of urban districts focussing on new and innovative market revitalization strategies in order to balance the relationship between city/regions & markets.
i.e.SMART (CENTRAL EUROPE) - a permanent SMART transnational management structure that has developed, implemented and managed a new approach to innovation and entrepreneurship training. In INTERREG IVC:
InCompass - supporting the self-sustainability of creative incubator units to enable them to develop and share innovative methods to move away from a dependence on public funding.
Difass – the exchange of experience on innovative business support measures established in regions to support the transnational transfer of selected examples of good practice towards other regions.
Centrope: (CBC: AT, SK, HU, CZ) - a platform for the implementation of activities and coordination of participant’s priorities to develop multilateral cooperation in public administration, companies, and public organisations through assistance in coordination, integration, and revival of cross-border activities.