Felix School
Scope of Work
Felix is a private primary and secondary school in Bratislava. The founders of the school are people with rich experience involving the work with children not only in school, but also elsewhere. Their work also involves creating a network of innovative teachers across Slovakia. In Felix, they want to put their experience and also inspiration from the best teachers into practice. Our mission is to help children to become good, wise and confident - therefore happy people.
We are systematically working on the development of their motivation for learning and self- development. We respect their emotionality and we support the positive perception of themselves and people around them. We encourage their prosocial behaviour and we try to incorporate the development of the life skills into the process of education.
In Felix, there are 230 pupils and 13 classes. There are 40 employees (12 non-pedagogical employees). Lots of parents of our pupils are actively involved in the life of our school.
Relevant Skills and Experience
The main goal of our school is to develop life skills of our pupils. We do it at all the subjects, projects and every single activity we do. We try to use all the modern methods to work on their teamwork, argumentation skills, empathy, self-confident, proactivity, independence, and so on. This project would be a great way how to continue in what we have started and how to work with these skills even more and with better quality.
Nutrition – we have a special parents committee which control the quality of food in the school canteen on regular basis and give us the feedback. We understand that quality food is very important for children and also their knowledge about this topic. This project would help us improve even more. Entrepreneurship – we started a special project last year – a class of 10-11 years old pupils got a task to organise a musical. All by them self in one school year. From September they were doing all needed to play the musical in front of their parents in June. They written all the texts, create costume and the scene, but also they found sponsors, sell tickets, rent a public space for the show. They manage it all. There was just ine teacher as a supervisor. These project learnt them a lot from different fields, but part of it was to understand how to calculate the costs, how to distribute the sposor money, how to calculate the price of the tickets and so on.