Scope of Work
Infomedia is a training organisation accredited by the Emilia Romagna region with extensive experience in action educational to youth and adolescents, in particular in these areas:
professional qualification - course activities aimed at obtaining a qualification recognised at regional, national and European guidance and job training - Promotion, implementation and management of placements in both Youth Guarantee is not in Youth Guarantee; activation and management of apprenticeship and training courses paid by the system of vocational training;
inclusive intervention in school institutions to integrate courses dedicated to the professionalisation in the system of secondary education 2nd degree.
Relevant Skills and Experience
The activity performed by Infomedia in the specific area of training addressed to the younger generation is :
to support and foster integration through the increase of information on how to access the local community as a whole
to facilitate the identification of expectations, desires and interests, they can mobilise the communication skills and futurization
to favour the recovery of elements of trust and esteem by enhancing acquisitions and capacity that gradually resulting in being the formation experience
to support and mediate the impact of the work / school resource / training trying to determine a successful experience
to allow you to integrate employment opportunities or resumption of studies with a series of other actions aimed to "disengage" from the condition of the subject NEET and to start a gradual re- appropriation of autonomy through the reinforcement and the stress of guidance mechanisms planning of their lives
The methodology used, which is the background to all the processes activated takes into account three sets of variables / constraints that may affect the decision of a change:
personal (related to individual characteristics)
social (relating to family, cultural and geographical)
structural or situational (related to the local economic environment, training opportunities, the employment dynamics).
Within this framework the action of putting in place orientation tends to pursue a twofold purpose:
assist and support the adolescent in the reorganisation and cognitive restructuring with respect to a change in perspective that faces (one or more development tasks)
help him deal with awareness critical steps that will meet in the construction of its project